Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Two Webpages I find Useful

Some web sites are entertaining while others are just plain useful. Here are two websites that I find to be extremely useful.

  1. Khan Academy - I'm 31 years old. I decided that I wanted to go back to school last May. I didn't even remember how to do long division. I spent that Summer getting caught up on Math and I don't think I would have been nearly successful without Khan Academy. After studying on Khan Academy for about a month, I was able to take a placement test and get placed into Advanced Algebra and Trig. I just completed the Summer semester with Calculus II and I got an A in the course. It took a lot of work to do that but I know that Khan Academy helped me to not only prepare, but to assist me with understanding new topics as well. There are many other topics beyond Math as well including computer programming and science.
  2. Lifehacker - Lifehacker revolves around "How to" articles, much of which is useful for every day annoyances. For example, on their home page at the time of this writing, there is a link to an article about everyday household items that can remove the reside left behind by stickers. You can also find much more in depth articles including Getting Started with Linux: The Complete Guide and The Complete Guide to Getting Cheap Textbooks. It's worth keeping an eye on this site on a daily basis if you like learning new skills.

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